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Katy Macleod



What is writing?

15 Books

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Short stories

Vitrine: The

'What Does Scholarship Look Like When it Comes Through Art?', Creativity in Educational Research Conference, Birmingham City University, 3 July, 2018
'Art/Research/Critical Thinking', 'Re-Thinking Thinking in Art & Design Education', University of the West of England, 3 November, 2017
'Art Project PhDs', 'Theory: Practice Symposium', Anglia Ruskin University, 7 July, 2016 Conference publication
Macleod, K 'Art Project PhDs' in THEOREM theory as practice and practice as theory, Cambridge School of Art Doctoral Research, Anglia Ruskin University, 2016
Macleod, K & Chapman, N. 'The Absenting Subject research notes on PhDs in Fine Art', Smith, C (Ed.) Journal of Visual Art Practice, 13.2 June, 2014
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., 'Writing and the Doctorate in Fine Ar't, Biggs, M & Karlsson, H (Eds) 'The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts', 2011
Macleod, K., Conference paper/online: 'A Singular Encounter with Art Theorisation' The theorisation of research art practice, University of Dundee, 2006/7
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L. (Eds), 'Thinking through Art: reflections on art as research',
London & New York, Routledge, 2005

Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L. 'The Doctorate in Fine Art: the importance of exemplars to the culture', International Journal of Art & Design Education, 23.2, 2004 pps 155-168
Macleod, K., 'Practice and Theory: related objects of thinking' in Miles, M (Ed), 'New Practices, New Pedagogies', Routledge, 2005 pps 143-153
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., 'The Enactment of Thinking', Special Issue, On-Site/In-Sight, Theoros III, Journal of Visual Art Practice, Vol 4.2, 2005
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., 'Doctoral Art Practice in the UK', Bologna Handbook, European League of the Institutes of the Arts, (ELIA), 2004
Macleod, K., Website conference papers: 'Practice based Research: Monstrous Thinking', ELIA conference papers online, 2004
Macleod, K., Website conference paper: 'The Doctorate in Fine Art' ELIA, Lucerne, 2004
Macleod, K., Website conference paper 'Art Thought' ELIA, Berlin, 2005 (pending)
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., 'Theory/Practice; a relationship in the making', European Journal of Arts Education, Vol III, Issue 2&3, 2001
Macleod, K., (co-Ed) 'The Enactment of Thinking' conference, Special Issue of The Journal of Visual Art Practice, Vol 2 Issues 2 & 3, 2002

Selection of Papers and Publications, 1996-2005:

Keynote paper: 'The Thesis in MPhil/PhDs in Art & Design', Research Forum, University of the Arts, February, 2005
Invited paper 'The Doctorate in Fine Art', University of the Arts, October, 2005
Invited paper 'Art Thought', Royal College of Art, October, 2005
Paper for AAH Annual Conference, 'What is Writing?', April 2002 Adapted Tate Britain Study Day, Writing in the Context of Art, 15 November, 2003
Commissioned pamphlet: 'What would falsify an art practice? Research degrees in Fine Art', Broadside 5, Professor Swift, J (Ed), University of central Birmingham, 2000
Conference paper, 'The Function of the Written Text, Research into Practice', University of Hertfordshire, 2000 - see http://www.herts.ac.uk/artdes/simsim/conex/res2prac/wp/
Conference editorial paper 'The Relationship of Making to Writing', Special Issue,
POINT 7, Spring/Summer, 1999
Conference editorial paper 'Why Making and Writing?' Drawing Fire Vol 3 No 2 Spring/Summer, 1999
Conference paper 'MPhil/PhD research through art practice: issues for Art Historian Supervisors', Education Forum, AAH Annual Conference, April, 1998
Journal paper 'New Knowledge/Art Knowledge: postgraduate research in Fine Art', Drawing Fire Vol 2 No 3, 1998
Conference/journal paper 'Research in Fine Art: theory, judgement and discourse', Annual ISEI Conference, Utrecht, 1996; Drawing Fire Vol 2 no 2 Winter, 1998
Conference paper 'Research in Fine Art: a developing culture', Exchange: Facilitating Art and Design Research Conference, University of the West of England, October, 1998
Conference paper 'Research in Fine Art: the unsettled episteme', Feminist Arts and Art Histories Network Conference, University of Reading, September, 1997
Research paper 'MPhil/PhD Research in Fine Art', Research Forum, Winchester School of Art, February, 1997

Selection of Publications, 1990-1996:

Macleod, K., 'The Use of Study Guides to Support Students during their Final Year Thesis and Special Project', Wilks M & Gibbs, G (Eds) 'Design in Resource Based Learning', Oxford Brookes University, 1994
Macleod, K., 'The Teaching Subject: Reviewing Art History within Postmodernism', Dawson, J & Earnshaw (Eds) Postmodern Subjects/Postmodern Texts Rodopi, 1995
Macleod, K., 'Pedagogy and the Poetic: A moment of recognition', Journal of Art & Design Education Vol 14 no 1, 1995
Macleod, K., 'Irony and the Space between History, Theory and Practice', Buss, D (Ed)
The Impact of Modularity on Art and Design in Higher Education, University of Plymouth, 1995

© Katy Macleod 2020


thinking through art

Curation & Catalogue

'On Hold'

PhD Examining

Routledge Companion to research in the arts

JAVC journal
