What is writing?
15 Books

Short stories

Vitrine: The Notebook Drawings |
CV |
Higher Education and Qualifications:
1968-71 University of Leeds BA Hons class Iii History of Art &
1971-72 University of Brighton PGCE History of Art
1988-92 University of Exeter MEd The Creative Arts in Education
Awards 1983 National NSEAD/BEROL Annual Bursary Award
Last Post:
Reader in Fine Art, Kingston University
Last Research Project:
into submissions in Fine
Art, funded by CARC, (Centre of Contemporary Art Research), Kingston
Previous Post:
Senior Lecturer in Fine Art/Research,
University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts, School of Art & Performance
Responsibilities: Co-ordinator for Critical Studies BA Hons Fine Art
Postgraduate Research Training (shared), Faculty of Arts
Shared responsibility for postgraduate research, Fine Art Research Project Leader:
University of Plymouth funded research projects: History, Theory &
Practice 1994-5
Documentation of Artists' Work 1995-6; Qualitative Postgraduate Research
in Art & Design 1999-2000; Student and Supervisor experience of
practice-based higher degree research and doctoral submissions in
Fine Art 1996-2002
AHRC Funded Research:
Methodological Models of Good Practice in Creative Practice Research
Degrees, 2002-2003
1985-88 Diploma in Art & Design with Special Reference to Art
& Technology
Diploma in Craft & Design Education
Diploma in Museum Studies, Institute of Education, London University
1990-96 BA Hons Fine Art, History & Theory and
BA Hons Art & Design in Social Context, University of the West
of England
1995-98 BA Hons Fine Art, Southampton Institute
1999-2003 BA Hons Fine Art, Central St Martins, University of the
Arts (formerly London Institute)
2002- MPhil/PhD examinations: Royal College of Art (MPhil, 2003; 2004,
2007 & 2011); Wimbledon (PhD 2003 & 2005); University Institute
of East Anglia (PhD, 2001); University Institute of Technology, Dublin,(MPhil,
2005); Middlesex University (PhD, 2006 & 2007); University of
Dundee (2007); Glasgow University (PhD, 2008)
University of Plymouth and Partner Institutions; Falmouth College
of Arts (MPhil, 2002 & 2003); Dartington College of Arts (PhD,
University of Plymouth (PhD, 2005)
University of Wales (2006, 2012)
University of Northampton MA Fine Art (2014 ongoing)
Higher Degree Completions:
MPhil The Re-Positions of an Art Practice, Lawson-Smith, M, 1998
MPhil A Question of Influence, Austin, F, 2001
PhD Painting Silence, Clucas, G, 2001
PhD The Experience of Illustration, Jones, R, 2005
PhD Lefebvre and the Lived Space, Hawkins, P, 2006
PhD Rethinking absence: Art practice and the critical metaphysics
of Jacques Derrida and Jacques Lacan, Roulstone, K, 2006
Suspended PhD
PhD Scattered Light in a Vortex: An Investigation into Perception,
Barber, J.
Advisory Work:
AHRC funded Research Review: Practice-Led Research in Art, Design
and Architecture, 2005-2006
Development of postgraduate research cultures: Royal College of Art;
University of Dundee
Conferences Organised at the University of Plymouth:
'The Relationship of Making to Writing: history, theory and practice',
University of Plymouth
& Partner Institutions, (Critical Studies Working Group), 1998
Special Issue journal publication, POINT 7 Spring/Summer, 1999
'The Enactment of Thinking: creative practice research degrees', 2001
Special Issue journal publication, Journal of Visual Art Practice,
Vol 2 Issue 2&3,
Selected Publications:
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., Writing and the Doctorate in Fine
Art, Biggs, M & Karlsson, H (Eds) 'The Routledge Companion to
Research in the Arts', 2011
Macleod, K & Holdridge, L (Eds), Thinking through Art: reflections
on art as research Routledge, 2005
Macleod, K & Holdridge, L 'The Doctorate in Fine Art: The importance
of exemplars to the culture', International Journal of Art & Design
Education, 23.2, 2004 pps 155-168
'Practice and Theory: related objects of thinking', Miles, M (Ed),
'New Practices, New Pedagogies', Routledge, 2005
Macleod, K & Holdridge, L 'The Enactment of Thinking' Special
Issue, On-Site/In-Sight, Theoros III, Journal of Visual Art Practice,
Vol. 4.2, 2005
Macleod, K & Holdridge, L 'Doctoral Art Practice in the UK', Bologna
Handbook, European League of the Institutes of the Arts, (ELIA), 2004
Macleod, K & Holdridge, L 'Theory/Practice; a relationship in
the making', European Journal of Arts Education, Vol III, Issue 2&3,
Macleod, K 'What would falsify an art practice? Research degrees in
Fine Art', Swift, J (Ed) Broadside 5, University of Central Birmingham,
Macleod, K 'Pedagogy and the Poetic: A moment of recognition', Journal
of Art & Design Education Vol 14 no 1, 1995
Macleod, K 'The Use of Study Guides to Support Students during their
Final Year Thesis and Special Project', Wilks M & Gibbs, G (Eds)
Design in Resource Based Learning, Oxford Brookes University, 1994
Macleod, K 'Irony and the Space between History, Theory and Practice',
Buss, D (Ed)
The Impact of Modularity on Art and Design in Higher Education, University
of Plymouth, 1995
Macleod, K 'Gallery and School: Art Study Programmes', Thistlewood,
D (Ed) Critical Studies in Art & Design Education, Longman/NSEAD,
Journal of Artistic Research (2011)
Vitae |