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Katy Macleod



What is writing?

15 Books

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Short stories

Vitrine: The Notebook Drawings
 PhD Examining


"Self/Painting Practice/Social Practice", Barbara Howey, Anglia Polytechnic University, 2001
"Diagetic stories in video mediation: A narrative analysis of four videos", Georgia Touliatou, Wimbledon School of Art, (now) University of the Arts, 2003
"Drawing/writing (an) auto/biography - uncovering/covering women's space within nushu"
Yuen-yi Lo, Wimbledon School of Art, 2005
"The Materiality of Text and Body in Painting and Darkroom Processes: An Investigation Through Practice", Deborah Robinson, University of Plymouth, 2005
"Drawing a Blank: Picturing nothing in a child's picturebook", Howard Hollands, University of Middlesex, 2006
"Performing a Practice: Narrative. Translation. Live Installation. Urban Intervention"Anya Lewin, Dartington College of Arts, 2006 - click here for images
"Medium as a Process: the Role of the Medium in the Making Process and its Impact on the Development and Expression in Figurative Ceramic Artwork", Babette Martini, University of Wales Institute, 2007
"From Creativity to Connective Behaviour in the Art School: a Practice-based Analysis of Learning Through Mark-Making", Sandra McNeil, University of Dundee, 2008
"Drawing as coming to know: Enactive thinking as the Experience of Drawing", Patricia Cain,
The Glasgow School of Art, University of Glasgow, 2008
"Fragments From A Future Archive", Thompson, M (submitted & examined, 2012)
"The Body Considered as a Site of Writing as Resistance to the Advance of Cultural Commodification", Greenwood, M (2012)

Also PhD examining at:
Royal College of Art (PhD, 2012); Birmingham City University (PhD, 2013/17); University of Leeds (PhD, 2013); Loughborough University (PhD, 2013); interim examination Winchester College of Art (PhD Transfer, 2013); Nottingham Trent (PhD, 2015); City University, Birmingham (2017); University of South Wales (2017); University of Oxford (2018); University of the Creative Arts (Canterbury) (2017 & re-submission 2019)

Completions: PhD:
"Painting Silence", Graham Clucas, University of Plymouth, 2002 - click here for images
"The Experience of Illustration", Richard Jones, 2005
"Fully Lived Moments and Material Dialectics", Philip Hawkins, 2006
"Rethinking absence: art practice and the critical metaphysics of Derrida and Lacan", Karen Roulstone, University of Plymouth, 2007

"Drawing the Erroneous Body and Female Sexual Difference", Gail Henderson, Royal College of Art, 2003
"Cloud: A Schematic of Appearance", Juliet Haysom, Royal College of Art, 2004
"Visual Poetry: A Practical Exploration", Sinead Mhaonaigh, Dublin Institute of Technology, 2005
"From the Centre Outwards art practice, analogy, literature and the imagination", Simon Logan, Royal College of Art, 2008 - click here for image

Completions: MPhil:
"The Re-Positions of an Art Practice", Michael Lawson-Smith 1998
"A Question of Influence", Franki Austin, 2001 - click here for images



thinking through art

Curation & Catalogue

'On Hold'

PhD Examining

Routledge Companion to research in the arts

JAVC journal

    © Katy Macleod 2020